
Monday, May 23, 2011

Armchair BEA - Getting to Know Me!

Welcome to the first day of Armchair BEA and if this is your first time dropping by my little part of the world, welcome! This first event is supposed to be a get to know me post – and I realized that I don’t think that I have really ever done one of these before. So without any further adieu…

My name is Heather and I am 23 years old and live in quiet, rural, Central Massachusetts, not much exciting goes on around here! I live with my boyfriend (another bibliophile who from time to time posts on his blog Lions and Men) and our pain-in-the-butt cat and fish. By day, I work for the federal government in your typical desk job pushing papers, but when I am not working I like to read (obviously!), watch movies (especially old ones from the 30’s-60’s), play tennis (really it’s mostly chasing the ball down rather than actually hitting it), go to visit historic sites (there are so many in New England), among other things. I have a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice, a major I chose mostly for fun rather that future aspirations, and am going to be starting my Masters degree (online) this fall in History – focusing on Ancient Cultures. I’m very, very excited for that!

I started this blog in May 2009 on a whim. I was in my senior year of college with a little bit of spare time on my hands and lots of good books to read. I had been following a couple of blogs and thought “I can do that” – and that was how it all started. I have since been to various author signings, BEA and Book Blogger Con in 2010, made some great friends, became a founding member of the Historical Fiction Round Table, participated in various blog tours, and wrote reviews until they have come out my ears! The ultimate event for me this year will be attending the Historical Novel Society Conference in San Diego in June.

For those of you new to this blog, I focus most of the blog on Historical Fiction and Historical Non-Fiction. There are reviews, author interviews and guest posts, historical content, etc. I also have two feature series that I do from time to time – Caught on Tape (each episode looks at a specific historical character and looks at movies that they appear in) and Two Sides (which looks at various sides of different historical issues).

I hope you enjoy the blog and drop by often! There are various ways to follow my blog and they are all located on my right hand sidebar: Google Friend Connect, subscribing to my posts or comments in a reader, subscribing by email, following me on: Twitter, Networked Blogs, Facebook Group, Shelfari and Goodreads!

You can check out other posts like this at the Armchair BEA blog where there is a link-up of today's posts.

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Great post, Heather. I enjoy your blog and think it's great to get to 'know' you via the blogosphere.

  2. Congrats on the grad program! Love the choice, and hope you enjoy it as well as learn. Only 23, ahh to be younger :) Have a fun this week.

  3. Melissa: It is great to get to know all of you as well!

    Jenny: Thanks for the congrats! I may be biting off more I can chew since I just found out today I might be getting involved in a year long leadership program at work - we will see how the interview goes on Thursday!

  4. Hi Heather! Your grad program sounds really cool! I went to law school...yours sounds a lot more fun. And given how awful the law job market is...probably just as useful. Welcome to Armchair BEA!

  5. I already know you so well since I've been following you for almost two years now. We both share a passion for history. As you saw in my post, I was a history major up until last year. Do you mind my asking which online school you're attending? I'm trying to go back myself, but I'm seeking the complete online experience this time. My old school, TSU, did not offer the classes I needed online. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my place today (I responded in an email). I will be seeing you again this week.

  6. Alison - I had considered going to law school back when I was in High School - but then I just kinda fell out of love with that idea. It was part of the reason I was majoring in CJ.

    Michelle - I am doing my masters with American Public University system/American Military University. Here is their website: They are rather reasonably priced and have some interesting classes.

  7. A senior in college with time on her hands? Unheard of! I'm glad you started the blog and glad to have found you via Armchair BEA!

  8. Susan - I basically just had fun classes and had already wrapped up my internships and was just waiting for graduation. Glad you found your way to my little piece of the world!

  9. Have enjoyed following your blog the past year plus. Hope to follow it for a long time.

  10. Library pat - hope to see you around here for a long while!


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