
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Suddenly Sunday - Old Books and Armchair BEA

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone. Hope you are having a good weekend – I have really needed it this week and am 100% looking forward to the long weekend that is coming up next. Man, work is just draining me lately – I guess that is what 20 hours of mandatory OT per month will do to you!

I got an interesting book related surprise this past week. My boyfriend’s parents were going through a bunch of their stuff to get rid of and found a whole bunch of old books. They brought them by and gave them to me and there were some pretty cool findings. First of all, there are several books that were published in the mid to late 1800’s and many were first editions. Now, most of the titles and authors I had never heard of, and I will share some of them with you to see if you recognize any of them a little bit further on, but the best thing I found for sure had to be a 1915 version of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott! I have never read this book before and there has been a lot of buzz about it lately with the release of The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O’Connor McNees. Though it is certainly not a first edition, it is still almost 100 years old and in very great condition.

Here are some of the other books I found:

Miss Petticoats by Dwight Tilton (1902)
Betsy and Joe by Maud Hart Lovelace (1948)
Prue and I by George William Curtis (1899)
Quimby and Son by William Hayliger (1925)
Stronger than his Sea by Robert Watson (1920)
The Last of Summer by Kate O’Brien (1943)
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales by Charles Kingsley (1885)
The Lovers’ Shakespeare by Chloe Blakeman Jones (1897)
Mr. Scraggs by Henry Wallace Williams (1906)
Paul and Virginia by Bernardin De Saint Pierre (1884)

There are a few more but I haven’t gotten around to looking at the rest yet. Do you know anything of these books?

Also this week, I am taking it down a pace here and going to be participating in Armchair BEA. Last year I went to BEA and had a blast – but this year I wanted to attend the Historical Novel Society Conference in San Diego in June, so I had to make a choice, and chose HNS. You can read my thoughts of last year’s Book Expo America as well as the first Book Blogger Con. The posts this week will be centered on book blogging things that we can do from home but still fit in with the feel of BEA/BBC. Here is the schedule of events here this week:

Monday – A Little Bit About Me and My Armchair BEA Plans
Tuesday – Giveaway Day!
Wednesday – Where I Feature Some of my Favorite Book Blogs
Thursday – Importance of Blogging Relationships
Friday – Some Blogging Tips

If any of you will be attending the real BEA or BBC let me know so I can be sure to follow along with your exciting adventure. I will be waiting to hear the reports!

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. What a wonderful stash of old books -- I do not recognize any of the titles or authors, but I'm sure they're treasures to any book lover. Little Women is a beautiful story and you must put it at the top of your TBR list -- it's one of my favorites. I'll be checking in for your armchair BEA posts. Have fun!

  2. What a wonderful find with all those old books.

    I'm looking forward to reading your posts scheduled for the next week.

  3. I second putting Little Women at the top of the TBR. Fantastic story! I've not heard of any of the titles you mentioned above but I love old books. If I run across older hardbound classics I always snatch them up (and they are the only books on my bookshelf I'm actually keeping).

    Looking forward to your armchair BEA posts :)

  4. I'm swooning over your found old books. I don't anything about any of them besides Little Women but old books are just cool. I'll be attending Armchair BEA too!

  5. How cool to get those books! And an old edition of Little Women? Heaven! I cannot believe you haven't read it. I so love it! It is in my top five faves of all time. I've read it several times. Yes, please put it at the top of your TBR pile. You won't be sorry!

    I don't recognize any of the other titles. I LOVE old books. I have an old poetry book that dates from the 1800s. It's not in the best shape, but I'll never part with it so its value doesn't matter!

    I'll see you around this week for Armchair BEA. =O)

  6. How lucky you are. I haunt stores, yard sales, and auctions for old books. One or two sound a bit familiar, but I'd have to go through many boxes to find them because they aren't with the ones on my shelves. Your LITTLE WOMEN find is exciting. I have a 1913 copy of LITTLE MEN and a 1934 copy of LITTLE WOMEN. I have a set of 6 of her books printed in 1955. It is a shame so many old books are thrown out because they are brittle or have cover issues. Some of the prettiest books I have were printed in the 1800's.

    Kelly O'Connor McNees will be in Asheville, NC on June 1. It is about an hour away and I hope to go to her talk and signing.

  7. Librarypat - I have not heard of Little Men before, I will have to check it out. I hope you get to go to McNees' event!


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