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About Me

Hello Everyone!

My name is Heather and I am 28 years old and have lived my whole life in New England – split between Connecticut and Massachusetts. I live with my boyfriend fiancé (we got engaged in March 2013!) husband (we got married in June 2014!) and our 2 3 crazy cats. I am currently (somehow) balancing my time between a full time government job, working on my Masters degree in History (concentrating on the Ancients and Classics) online, and still finding time to read and blog. I honestly don’t know how I find the time to do it all and still spend enough time with my family!
Jack right after we brought him home
Not to be outdone, Teika likes books too!
When I do actually have some free time I love traveling – even if it is just locally. I like to get outside and see the sights – particularly historical sites. Hand in hand with traveling is photography. Part of the reason I like to travel is some of the wonderful photographic opportunities it offers. Again, my husband is much better at this than I am, so I like to think of myself more as the director and him the photographer! I have taken some baby steps into scrapbooking and a basic sewing project (both of which feel like epics and will never be completed). I also love to play games – video, board, card…any kind of games – but I’m not a great loser!

I love reading across many different genres – nonfiction, classics, YA, historical fiction, romance, etc – everything in moderation. For the most part the only ones I will be reviewing on this site are those based in the historical world – for my other reviews you can follow me on Goodreads. I have found that audiobooks are the best tool for a long commute and I can catch up on all kinds of reading I would not be able to otherwise.

I first started out blogging as many do by purely reading and following blogs. I was a senior in college at this point and had a little bit of free time on my hands. I saw what everyone else was doing and thought “I could do that and have fun”. My husband was sure getting tired of listening to all my historical tidbits I had found (particularly about the Tudors at that time) and I wanted to share my conversations with others who loved the genre too. I started out just simply by reading what was on my shelf and writing about it – never dreaming that an author would actually read my blog or that I would actually be requested for a review. It all took off from there!

If you are interested in where the name of my blog came from, for that one I can take absolutely no credit. The above mentioned husband who was tired of hearing about my historical fiction obsession came up with it for me. To paraphrase his reasoning – I was young, like a maiden, and I read about all kinds of courts, and courts were where you went to socialize and gossip, and pretty much that is what a blog is – a la – The Maiden’s Court. He also does almost all of my graphics on my blog because I am not that talented when it comes to Photoshop! I am most grateful to him for this.

Please stick around and check out the rest of the blog. I would love to hear what you think and chat!

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Email: dolleygurl@hotmail.com

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