
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Suddenly Sunday - Snow in October

Good Morning everyone!  Man this has been quite the weekend.  The snow has FINALLY stopped falling and we were hit good!  At least 6 1/2 inches in our town but parts of the state got over a foot!

Somehow we are also one of the few places in town that still has power too - about 80% of the town is without power since sometime early last night.  Trees and branches are down everywhere.  We shattered snow records for October with this storm - I think the previous snow fall measure was just around an inch in 1979 or so.  Hopefully with tomorrow supposed to be in the 50's (!) it will all melt fast.

You would think with all this free time I would have accomplished a lot - but really I didn't accomplish ANYTHING!  I had all of the grandiose plans of reading/catching up on reviews/researching for my class and none of those things happen.  I really have no idea what I actually did for 12 hours yesterday.  But oh well - these things happen sometimes.  So here's to getting some stuff done today.

Happy Halloween!

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea at The Muse in the Fog Book Reviews

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Amazing pictures for October! Here's to wishing you warmer temps and a Happy Halloween, too. (Love the pic of the pumpkin in the snow -- made me laugh!)

  2. Holy cow! That snow is crazy. Hopefully it will all melt soon and won't return until closer to Christmas.

  3. My husband doesn't believe me, but I actually miss those snows. We get it down here a few times a year and an inch will shut everything down. I grew up on the Canadian border and miss the good parts of the winter and snow. There are parts that I don't miss, but the nice wet snow was a favorite, just not when there are still leaves on the trees. It can do enough damage when the branches are bare.

    Hope things are back to normal for you soon.

  4. Joanne - It made me laugh too!

    Melissa - I looks more like Christmas out there than Halloween! It is supposed to be relatively warm today so what half melted yesterday may go away today - hopefully!

    Librarypat - I like the snow but I was not at all ready for this. I was scrambling around looking for my boots and car scrapers etc. I still have to get my snow tires on my car. At least work is without power so they let us stay home and I don't have to drive the hour there.

  5. The snow broke a tree on our street, which fell on our car! We didn't lose power, but my car is a bit smashed. SIGH. Needless to say, I didn't get much reading in, either, since we were snapping pics and cleaning up and calling the insurance company...


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