
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Going to See Philippa Gregory

I am excited that I am going to go see Philippa Gregory this Saturday, October 29th!  When I heard that she was going to be doing a book tour, I figured that she would possibly come to Boston, seeing as she hits mostly big cities.  Boy was I ever surprised to see that she was coming to my favorite Indie book store in tiny Madison, CT - R.J. Julia.  This is the book store I have always went to for my author events, and they have brought in big name people before, I was just super surprised.

So you can bet I jumped on that one!  Bought tickets for myself and my mom (totally dragging her along with me because quite honestly my boyfriend is tired of going to these things with me), ordered my book, and blocked off that day to spend with my mom.  It will be a girls day - lunch and then out for a literary event.  Very cool!

I will be sure to tell you all about it come Sunday.  If you live in the area and are interested in going head on over to the RJ Julia website to purchase you ticket ($10 for just a ticket, $32.99 for the book to get signed and the ticket).  If you ever have the chance, stop by RJ Julia for an event - they have one almost every day and really are a great little store!

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. That is awesome! I hope you enjoy!

  2. Wow, small world--I live about 5 minutes from R J Julia! Unfortunately I'm probably going to be busy this Saturday; I was pretty excited when I heard about the signing, too!
    I hope you enjoy and can't wait to hear about it.

  3. Ooooohmy! I am so jealous -- what an amazing opportunity!! I can't wait to hear all about it -- have fun!

  4. That is so awesome! Can't wait to hear about it :)

  5. awesome! can't wait to hear about it! have fun!!

  6. oooooooooooooooooh. That should be fun.

  7. Wonderful for you! Meeting authors is so exciting -- hope you have a wonderful experience. :)

  8. Thanks all - I wish I could have went too. Of course of all days to get snow in October. Ridiculous.


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