
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Suddenly Sunday - This Week Was Lacking

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.

Good morning everyone! Hope you are enjoying your weekend (or long weekend to those in Canada!) I've decided I'm not getting out of bed anytime soon. I didn't get too much reading done this week because I've been so exhausted after working overtime and had a bunch of little things go wrong all week that I have had to deal with...and yesterday just capped it off.

My boyfriend (Nick) and I were going out to lunch and to the bank to pay off my car loan yesterday morning. So we took his car and had only been gone about 10 minutes when we had to stop for a line of cars waiting for someone to turn into a shopping plaza. So we stopped, but the car behind us didn't and plowed into the back of Nick's car doing about 50! Everyone's ok - my body is a little stiff and Nick has some scratches and a bruise from the seat belt, but the damage is to the car. The entire back end of the car is just mangled and mashed or on the ground. And of course, the other girl's car has basically no damage and at the end she was able to drive home - while we had to be towed. The cops took FOREVER to get there - we were there for almost 2 hours by the end of this whole thing. So now we have 1 car and are going to have to figure this whole thing out, everything is just getting more and more difficult lately. I am so grateful that everyone is ok, and I am so proud of Nick for the way he handled everything yesterday (because neither of us had really been in that situation before we were kind of just winging everything, since it took the cops so long to get there).

So in terms of reading, it has been slow. I finished By Fire, By Water by Mitchell James Kaplan last weekend, read a little bit more of Dancing for Degas by Kathryn Wagner, and am about 60 pages into For the King by Catherine Delors. Hopefully I will get some reading done today.

This week I posted my review of Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo as well as an incomplete listing of Jane Austen spin-offs. As I have time I will update that list with the suggestions that many of you left for additional books. I also posted an interview with Barbara Quick, author of Vivaldi's Virgins and the new release A Golden Web.

This week I'm working on getting ready for BEA and Book BloggerCon. Nick and I will be taking the train to NYC on Thursday morning. We'll check out BEA, meet up with Allie from Hist-Fic-Chick, and go to the BloggerCon reception. On Friday we will go to the BloggerCon and then take the train back home that night. I'm very excited. I won't be taking the laptop so I won't be around those 2 days, but I will do some wrap ups next Saturday and Sunday.

Happy reading everyone!

Copyright © 2010 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Hope this week is better for you! :-)

  2. And Sorry to hear about the accident!! OUCH! Hope it all works out.

  3. Glad that you and Nick are okay even if the car isn't!

    Have a fantastic time at BEA and BBC. I would love to be attending, and I would love to be meeting Allie in real life too!

  4. Happy Sunday! So sorry to hear about your accident! My sister totalled my car going 50 last week, if that makes you feel any better (she was totally fine). It was a 2003 Passat, and I just got a new 2010 Honda CR-V to replace it :). I hope your back feels better though!



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