
Monday, August 29, 2011

Mailbox Monday #83

Just a small mailbox this week.  I received one review copy of an intriguing American hist-fic.

From Penguin I received The Little Bride by Anna Solomon.  I love to read historical fiction set in the United States.  They are few and far between these days so when I saw this one, I jumped on it.

Here is the blurb:
When 16-year-old Minna Losk journeys from Odessa to America as a mail-order bride, she dreams of a young, wealthy husband, a handsome townhouse, and freedom from physical labor and pogroms. But her husband Max turns out to be twice her age, rigidly Orthodox, and living in a one-room sod hut in South Dakota with his two teenage sons. The country is desolate, the work treacherous. Most troubling, Minna finds herself increasingly attracted to her older stepson. As a brutal winter closes in, the family’s limits are tested, and Minna, drawing on strengths she barely knows she has, is forced to confront her despair, as well as her desire.
So I can't wait to read this one.  Sounds interesting.

Did you receive any books that are super exciting for you this week?

Mailbox Monday is on a monthly blog tour and for the month of August it is being held at Life in the Thumb.

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. This sounds like a good book to me! I was just in Odessa for the first time a few weeks ago. It was definitely the prettiest city that I visited in Ukraine.

  2. Wow, sounds intense! I spent some of my formative teenage years in South Dakota and I love fic set there. Is this religious/inspirational hist fic?

  3. Neat looking book. My grandmother was from Odessa and ended up in North Dakota

  4. Meg - That's so cool that you visited there recently!

    Audra - I don't really know - I don't think so? I can't really find anywhere that is "classifying" it yet.

    RAnn - very cool!

  5. I'm fascinated by the idea of being a mail order bride - that must have been so scary!


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