
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge

The Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge is hosted by Socrates Book Reviews and runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2011.

I started watching True Blood this year and after learning that it was based off of the novels by Charlaine Harris I decided I should give reading the books a try. It will definately be on audiobook because otherwise I will never accomplish anything and my boyfriend wants me to hand them off to him when I finish them so he can catch up on Sookie's life too. I have no illusions that I will complete this challenge this year, as I am just starting the series, but I will give it a go and see how I do.

Here are the rules:

1.) Make a list of which books in the series you still have to read. Whether you are just beginning or up to #2, 3, 4, etc...that's how many books you have to read.

2.) Books can be in any format (print, ebook, audio) and you can crossover to other challenges.

3.) The challenge goes from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.

Here are the books I need to read - I will cross them out as I go.

I won't be reviewing them on my blog but I might do a few sentences on my Goodreads account - so be sure to stop by if you are interested.

1. Dead Until Dark - Completed 2/11/11
2. Living Dead in Dallas
3. Club Dead
4. Dead to the World
5. Dead as a Doornail
6. Definitely Dead
7. All Together Dead
8. From Dead to Worse
9. Dead and Gone
10. Dead in the Family
11. Dead Reckoning *Not yet released*

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Sounds fun! I bought the 8 book box set not too long ago. Think I will have to take it with me when I travel over the next month or so. Had somewhat forgotten that I had it. This post reminded me! I LOVE True Blood on HBO, so I'm exciting to see how it differs from the series.

  2. I have been curious about this series. It was very popular at the library where I worked with a wide range of people. It is a series I am interested in, but my TBR pile is so huge right now, I dare not start it. Knowing me, everything else would take a back seat while I plowed through the whole series.
    Saying all that, I just might pick up book 1 and see what it is like.

  3. Allie - I love True Blood too and I can't wait to see how true to the books they were. Although I never thought I would read the books or watch the show - now I'm sucked in.

    Librarypat - I know how you feel about having so much to read already - anytime you start a new series is daunting.

  4. These books were amazing! Loved them, I haven't gotten to Dead Reckoning!

  5. Welcome to the challenge! I'm so glad you are joining us. Enjoy!


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