
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Unimportant Meme

I was tagged for this by Jennygirl from Jenny Loves to Read.

These are the rules:
1. Mention who tagged you.
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy.
3. Tag six more blogs, then go and comment on their blogs. Let them know that they have been challenged, and invite them to play along.

This could be fun, actually thinking about these things. So after some thought, here are my answers.

1. Listening to the rain fall outside as I lay in bed. It is such a relaxing sound and I never want to get up in the morning when this is going on. Not just because it is dark and dreary and that in itself is a good reason to stay in bed, lol.

2. A clean kitchen. It is just nice to know that when I go in there to do something I will be able to find stuff and not walk into a pile of dishes a mile high.

3. When the mail comes. I don't really get all that much mail that is actually for me, but I love the prospect of something coming in that I was waiting for or not suspecting. And I really love it when that something is actually there!

4. The fact that some version of Law & Order, CSI, or something similar is on tv almost any time of the day. Whenever I can't find anything on, I can usually count on this, even if I have seen most of the episodes.

5. Finding change in my pockets when I put on a pair of pants or change to a different purse. Its a nice little surprise that brightens up my day.

6. Finding my cat. She has many different sleeping places throughout the house and you never know where she is going to be. And like any other cat, she doesn't come when you call her, so finding her is awesome.

I would like to pass this meme onto:
1. Marie Burton @ The Burton Review
2. LizzyJ @ Historically Obsessed
3. Virginie @ Virginie Says...
4. Bobbie @ Book Reviews by Bobbie
5. Annie @ Reading, Writing, and Ranting
6. Susie @ All Things Royal

Copyright © 2009 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. lol about the cat! I'll do this tomorrow, ready for my book in bed now!

  2. When the mail comes! How few of us still feel that way. My friends and I write - on lovely paper with fountain pens - even though we communicate through e-mail, twitter, Ravelry, etc.

    (Now I get to follow your links and read what your friends wrote.)

  3. Clean kitchen is so true. It's amazing how many things can clutter up the kitchen :)
    Packages in the mail are always cool too!
    Glad you decided to play along and we got to know you better.


Thanks for leaving your comments! I love reading them and try to reply to all!