
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Perpetually on My Nightstand: Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

the art of power

I’ve mentioned before that I have a history of holding on to books in progress for quite a long time.  With my last installment featuring The Summer Garden by Paullina Simons I have ultimately given up on it (at least for now, maybe the audiobook will be in my future).  This time I want to feature a book I have not given up on, it just has fallen out of my priorities.


Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham I started reading in 2012!  I only barely cracked the surface of this before I had to switch priorities and it fell by the wayside.  I have continually shuffled it around my nightstand and every time I look at it I think, “I have to get back to this one”.  Unlike other titles that have sat there awhile, I do actually WANT to finish this one.  It’s a long book and more on the dense side as it focuses on politics and such, so it doesn’t read quickly like a novel, which is why when I was reading it, it was just small amounts at a time.  I have heard very good things about this book and I do want to finish it – I just might have to grab up an audiobook version if it ever comes up on sale. 

Have you read or listened to this book?  What have you thought?

Copyright © 2017 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. I recently bought this book at a library sale. I really want to read it but I'm also very intimidated by it.

  2. I have a goal to read at least one book about each President. I'm not doing very well at it though. So far, unless you count Lincoln and all the books I've read about him since I was in elementary school in the 'Land of Lincoln', the only one I've read about was Garfield. The book is The Destiny of the Republic. I really liked that one and learned a lot since I knew virtually nothing about Garfield or his presidency.


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