
Friday, December 23, 2016

Audiobook Discussions: Why Do You Listen?

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I have been doing a lot of audiobook listening lately and I attended a recent blogger webinar about audiobook reviewing which got me thinking more and more about audiobooks.  So I wanted to know more of what you think about them!  From there, Audiobook Discussions has been born!

After the last discussion about how you listen to audiobooks, it leads me directly into why do you choose to listen to audiobooks?  Is it based on certain activity?  Does reading print books bother your eyes or give you headaches?  Do you simply prefer the activity of passive listening?

For me it is primarily a time crunch thing.  I started listening to audiobooks back when I had over an hour commute to and from work.  It helped kill the monotony of all that highway driving.  Now I have a much shorter commute (and many days work from home) so my listening habits have changed.  Now I choose titles that I simply can’t fit into my packed reading/reviewing schedule.  While I do review some audiobooks, more often these are books I have picked off my personal preference shelf that I have just not had the chance to get to yet.  Sometimes, when it is a quiet day at work or if I’m working from home I will listen while working to keep it interesting.

So, tell me why you listen!  Or, hop back to the last discussion and tell us how you listen.


Copyright © 2016 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Hi, I read a lot with my eys and with my ears and neither is a passive way of acquiring authors' works. Listening to audiobooks requires real listening, noticing why and how the performer may change pace and tone, considering how voice can make complex text passages either more complicated (not good) or well designed passages that take shape in my reader's mind. So, neither eyes nor ears are passive reading partners for me.

    1. Hi Francisca, thanks for discussing! I do agree that there are a lot of nuances that an narrator can bring to a story - good or bad, I've had experiences both way (and have planned discussions on these topics for the future). Sometimes tho, I do admit to passive listening. Sometimes I'm looking for something to fill in the silence or that just allows me to be quieted before I go to sleep. I focus on bits and at other times I'm focused on a task, so I do for sure miss things, and this is usually the case with something I won't be reviewing. It all depends on what I'm looking for from that specific listening experience.


Thanks for leaving your comments! I love reading them and try to reply to all!