
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Giveaway of The Lady of the Rivers

Today I have the opportunity to offer you a great giveaway.  I have two paperback copies of The Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory.  I haven’t had the chance to read this one yet, but I have the hardcover on my shelf.
the lady of the rivers

Here is the cover blurb:

“Philippa Gregory masterfully weaves passion, adventure, and witchcraft into the story of Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford, who would survive two reigns and two wars to become the first lady at the rival courts of both Lancaster and York.

When Jacquetta is married to the Duke of Bedford, English regent of France, he introduces her to a mysterious world of learning and alchemy. Her only friend in the great household is the duke’s squire Richard Woodville, who is at her side when the duke’s death leaves her a wealthy young widow. The two become lovers and marry in secret, returning to England to serve at the court of the young King Henry VI, where Jacquetta becomes a close and loyal friend to his new queen.

The Woodvilles soon achieve a place at the very heart of the Lancaster court, though Jacquetta can sense the growing threat from the people of England and the danger of their royal York rivals. As Jacquetta fights for her king and her queen, she can see an extraordinary and unexpected future for her daughter Elizabeth: a change of fortune, the throne of England, and the white rose of York. . . .”

The giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only.  The last day to enter is April 21, 2012.  Both books will be mailed out by the publisher to the winners.  Fill out the form below to enter.

Copyright © 2012 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for having the giveaway!

  2. I've read several of Philippa's books and love the way she weaves the history of the time period into her story. My husband loves to read history books and we always end up sharing our thoughts about the history of the time period in which her books are written, I haven't had a chance to read The Lady of the Rivers yet and I'd love to win a copy!

    1. I too have enjoyed Gregory's work - it is always interesting - even if she takes the direction of the better story rather than the historical fact.

  3. thank you!! i've read the first two books in the series and i'd love to read this.

    1. You are further along than I am. I own the first book, I am missing the second.

  4. Thank you for this giveaway! I would love to read this book.

  5. I haven't read any of the books in this series (I've read some of Gregory's Tudor books) but I am very interested in this one. I hadn't even heard of Jacquetta before. Very nice review!

    Marlene Detierro (Rogue River Salmon Fishing)


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