
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Suddenly Sunday - Randomness

Man, is it Sunday already?  Time sure flies!  Just a few random things today...

1. If you haven't already, check out the giveaway for Dracula in Love by Karen Essex over at Lions and Men.  Giveaway ends October 20th!

2. The winner has been selected for the 6 Degrees of The Other Boleyn Girl competition.  There were several great entries, but there can only be one winner (drawn at random from among correct entries)...and that winner is...Margaret!  I am posting her answer to the contest below:

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory

The Last Boleyn by Karen Harper

Catherine, Called Birdie by Karen Cushman

The Devil's Queen: A Novel of Catherine de Medici by Jeanne Kalogridis

Queen of the Masquerade by Tiffany Trent

A Royal Likeness by Christine Trent

3. Among my many, many reading goals, I have set out a new one for myself - to try to read one non-fiction book (or listen to one audiobook) about each President and First Lady (where there is one written).  I spent awhile last weekend making up my list of possibilities.  There are several First Ladies where there is nothing written about them - and some Presidents didn't have a First Lady.  I'm trying to get a feel for their lives - and I'm also working on a project for my Masters program on First Ladies.  So you will see many NF book reviews on American Presidents and their wives over the coming months.  The first was posted 2 weeks ago, A Perfect Union: Dolley Madison and the Creation of the American Nation by Catherine Allgor.  Check out the review if you haven't already.

Well I think that is all for now.  Have a great rest of the weekend!

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Svea at The Muse in the Fog Book Reviews.

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. What a great idea with the Presidents and First Ladies! Good luck on digging up biographies on the HTF ones. I had the same problem on a couple of people when I was doing my Tudor page.

  2. Holly - thanks, this could be a very long project! I'm hoping that by the time I get a chunk of the list down someone might have written something about those that don't really have anything about them.

  3. Great idea all the way around with the first Ladies. I look forward to hearing about them and good luck on your masters thesis.


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