
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Suddenly Sunday - New HBO Documentary

Good morning everyone.  It has been a few weeks since I have done a Suddenly Sunday post - mostly because I have been very busy - but that is not an excuse!  I am so pleased that the weather is starting to finally warm up around here and I can turn the thermostat down and hopefully have less of a heart attack when the heat bill comes around this time.  Mostly in the 40's around here (last Thursday and Friday in was in the upper 60's!) it is still better than biting cold.  Oh, and today is the first day of Spring!!!!

Yesterday I went to the Old Sturbridge Village Maple Days festival.  It was nice to get out of the apartment and Nick's parents came with us - so that was nice.  And it was really funny because his dad makes maple syrup and candy and sugar and other delicious maple confections - so he was asking all sorts of questions to the re-enactors about the old school methods of sugaring.  A good time was had all around.

Airing tomorrow night (Monday March 21st) at 9:00 PM EST - HBO will be premiering its new documentary - Triangle: Remembering the Fire.  This is set to correspond with the 100th anniversary of the fire this Friday.  I am planning on watching it - and hope you will consider it too (if you have HBO).  I am going to have a review of it up Thursday and will hopefully be able to include some clips - so for those of you that don't have HBO you can still experience it.  I this this will be more of a remembrance show as opposed to what PBS aired last month (my review here)which was more of a recreation of the event.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.

Copyright © 2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. I had seen that PBS show, so I will have to try and remember to record this one. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Thanks for mentioning this! I just set my DVR to record a rerun of it on Wed night. I'm sure it will be a great show but still incredibly sad.

  3. Heather J - you have to see it - it was so well done! I'm working on my review of it as we speak! Marie (above) and I had a chat about the show afterward and we both ended up with tears in our eyes because of this show!

  4. Ooh, good to know! I'll keep an eye out for your review and I'll definitely watch it as soon as I get a chance.

  5. I finally had a chance to watch this on DVR - it was really good! A sad story, but a good program.

  6. Heather J - Glad you got the chance to watch/enjoy/experience the show!


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