
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mailbox Wednesday...What?

So I missed Mailbox Monday (hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page) this week. I was concentrating on my guest post and giveaway instead. But I had a great mailbox this week and wanted to share it with you all.

From SwapTree I received The Sisters of Henry VIII by Maria Perry. I really don't know all that much about Henry's sisters, so I thought this might be informative. Has anyone read this one?
From Sourcebooks for review I received:
  • For the Kings Favor by Elizabeth Chadwick
  • Great Maria by Cecelia Holland
I am super excited for both of these reads, but they are not due until August/September, so I have some time.

I received 2 beautiful final copies this week of Roundtable books:
  • The Confessions of Catherine de Medici by C. W. Gortner
  • Claude & Camille by Stephanie Cowell
I also received an ARC from NAL for the September Roundtable Event:
  • The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott
I loved The Royal Harlot and cannot wait to dig into Scott's newest novel. Lots of good reading ahead.

Copyright © 2010 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. How funny...I'm doing my MM on Wednesday too (I'm working on it now)! You got some good ones. I'm really wanting to read those and actually I won a copy of Claude and Camille so I'll definitely be reading that one!

  2. They all look good. I am looking forward to Confessions of Catherine de Medici, and I can't wait for The Countess and the King, and as always, really enjoyed Elizabeth Chadwick's book when I read it a while ago now.

  3. You did indeed have a great week for books.

  4. I just got the Maria Perry one from Arleigh. I read that most people expected more biographical info on the sisters but instead it reads more like a portait of the times in which they lived. Either way, I will still read it =)
    (And it would be perfect for the Tudor Mania Challenge on my blog!!)
    Enjoy your books!

  5. Happy reading though the week is almost over!


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