
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Salon - HFBRT The Scarlet Lion Wrap Up

Good morning everyone! I hope you all have been having a great weekend. Yesterday I spent the day at my new apartment moving in and setting up my kitchen. So far that is the only room with anything in it, but I’m still excited about it. I was able to read some more of A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin on the car ride there and back, but other than that I was too tired by the time I got home to really read. So hopefully today.
Today is the final day of the HFBRT event for March: The Scarlet Lion. I really enjoyed this event – there was a lot of interaction between the blogs and a large amount of comments. Even Elizabeth Chadwick dropped by for a comment on my Caught on Tape! A summary of the event will be forthcoming at the Round Table site, but here is a summary of what occurred at The Maiden’s Court this week:

A Guest Post from Elizabeth Chadwick on 3/21
Caught of Tape: William Marshall on 3/22
Book review on 3/26

If you missed any of them, check it out!
Following close on the heels of The Scarlet Lion week, we have Claude and Camille week beginning April 6th – so you won’t have to wait too long. I know that all of us a VERY excited about this upcoming event. I LOVED the book – can’t wait to share it with all of you – but I need to get cracking on my review and post!
As far as my reading goes – I’m still working on Within the Hollow Crown by Margaret Campbell Barnes. I like it more now, around page 200, than I did around page 100, but I’m still not feeling it. I’m not sure if it is the characters or the writing. I also haven’t had much time to read more than a few pages at a time, but I need to get finished on this one too. On audiobook, I’m reading The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Even though I have seen the movie so many times, it’s not taking anything away from the book. I’m going to have to seek out a library that has a decent audio selection up near my new apartment. I also finished watching the first season of Robin Hood, the BBC show. I found it highly enjoyable. I went to go buy season 2, and of course, the store only carries season 3. So, I must go online and find it. I may have a review of season 1 sometime soon.

I’m hoping this week to have a review of Roeing Oaks and an interview with the author, Kristina Emmons. So look for that about mid week.

Have a great rest of your weekend.

Copyright © 2010 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Thanks for reminding me about Robin Hood! I have been wanting to watch that series for a while.

    Once again, I really enjoyed the event over at HFBRT. I will be looking forward to your next one, hopefully I can read the book before it starts :)

    Have a great week Heather!

  2. You are one busy lady!! Gotta catch up myself on reading your blog for the week:)

    Glad you're enjoying your new place- setting up kitchen is probably the most fun:)

  3. Good luck with the unpacking. I used to be pretty good at moving in and unpacking quickly (military wife). We are now retired and have been working on our 1898 victorian farm house since 1992. The house needed to be gutted down to the studs and everything redone. We have been playing musical rooms as we go. We have also incorporated two other households (an aunt and my husband's mother) when relatives passed away. Since we both worked, it has gone very slowly. We are finally getting close to being finished. I no longer have a job, so I can get serious about going through all these boxes of stuff (about 30 or so of books). The house is already full. It certainly was easier when we were just starting out and didn't have as much stuff.

    Have enjoyed the Elizabeth Chadwick event and look forward to the next one.


Thanks for leaving your comments! I love reading them and try to reply to all!