
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just When Things are Going Good...

Something Happens! So I was planning on using today to catch up on my blogging - which has been kind of slack lately and to get some reading done, but that was not in the cards. I got home from work, went up to change and as I hear my parents yelling about something - the dog is choking on something. Sooooo I get her in the car and bring her down to the vets office that my boyfriend works at (conveinent right?) and after an emergency visit - she is fine. Then I get home and Blogger decides it is going to delete all of the blogs I am following - so I had to set that all up again. I guess I am not meant to get anything accomplished today. I'm glad the dog is ok, haha.

Copyright © 2009-2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. Oh pumpkin! I'm sorry to hear that. What's up w/Google? I'm just trying to get settled with the reader and use that. Good luck and scratch the dog's head for me. Glad she is ok.

  2. Oh I am so relived to hear your dog is ok. Take a day and rest and then come back to us. We'll wait =)

  3. Thanks for the well wishes guys! I am hoping to have a review of The Time Traveler's Wife tomorrow - hopefully!

  4. LOL I Feel the same way.. like the HF Bloggers Round Table Event is not getting the attention it deserves, etc.. I am just trying to survive each day. At some point after that, I'll blog and read. Good Luck with Blogger!! How frustrating!
    I wouldn't mind it deleting mine actually so that I could start fresh again. I've got some that I don't read any longer but it is actually a pain in the neck to stop following them, one by one by one..

  5. I'm there right behind you and Marie...I guess we really need our HF Round Table Event! (If we can ever get there;) Glad the pup's Ok. Oh and about Blogger...sometimes it does that to me too and all I do is shut the window and reopen a new one and then all my blogs magically reappear:)


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