
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BBAW Interview with Mel from The Reading Life

As part of the BBAW celebrations I am taking part in interviewing another fellow blogger across the world from me. Mel’s blog is called The Reading Life and you can check it out here. My hope is that you will learn a little something about this blogger and find that his blog is something you might enjoy. So without further adiu…

1. How long have you been blogging for and what got you started with blogging?
I started my book blog on July 7, 2009. I had been reading book blogs for a few months prior to then. I wanted to start a blog with a theme - not just random reflections on what I read. I decided after reading "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" By Muriel Barberry that my blog would center on literary treatments of the lives of reading centered people. I admit it also random reflections on what I read!

2. What are some of the things you like about blogging and the blogging community?
I like how friendly and helpful everyone in the community seems to be. I like learning about a lot of new books I might never have heard of otherwise. I like being taken out of my reading comfort zone.

3. What is one thing that you want to do on your blog before the end of the year?
I want to increase my skills at blog design and perhaps adopt a 2 or 3 column template.

4. Please describe your blog in only a few words.
My blog centers in theory on novels that show the role reading plays in the lives of reading centered people. I also am now expanding beyond my purely Euro-Centered reading life into Asian Literature and will be blogging about a number of Chinese, Japanese, Indian and S.E. Asian novels.

5. What is your favorite period in history to read about and what draws you to that period?
My favorite period is the 18th Century. I like it because it has one foot in the medieval world and one foot in the modern world. I started out, many years ago specializing in 18th century English culture but now I have a worldwide interest in this period.

6. Who would you like to meet from history and interview for your blog?
Samuel Johnson as I see him as the perfect reader.

7. Where is your favorite place to read and why?
I like to read in a special super comfortable chair in our main room. Sometimes when our three daughters come home I do retreat to a couch in the master bedroom.

8. What book do you consider to be your all time favorite?
My favorite book of all time is "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon.

9. What gave you your love for books and reading (was it a certain book, person, event)?
I think I got my love of reading from my parents, but I am not sure.

10. What is another hobby that you like to do when not reading or blogging?
I like photography, travel, trying out new food and spending time with my wife, daughters and cats.

Thanks so much Mel for those great answers to my questions. Please check it out!

Copyright © 2009-2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. This was a great interview. I love discovering lots of new sites this week.

  2. Great interview!

    I just found your blog b/c of BBAW and I love it. You're getting added to my Google Reader right now, so expect to see me back here again. :)

  3. Since the competition posts were going on over at Enchanted by Josephine, I thought I would write on your blog. I enjoyed your article on Cleopatra's Death. I actually wrote my undergrad senior capstone paper on that very topic! It is a very fascinating topic, and I absolutely loved reading Plutarch and other ancient accounts! Thanks for the post!

    Elizabeth-The Tudor Book Blog (


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