
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Author Event - Katherine Howe

I just got back from an author event with Katherine Howe - author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. She was at my somewhat local independent book store, RJ Julia in Madison, CT, that I have really fallen in love with. Even though I have to drive about 30 minutes to get there, they have a wonderful array of authors come thru and are amazing.

I brought my mom along, which was cool because we haven't done anything that was just the 2 of us in awhile. Even though she knew nothing about the book or author - she was up for the event - and now wants to read the book!

Katherine was one of the nicest authors I have met. She opened her talk by consulting the Magic 8 Ball - which was cool and very fitting for the topic/book. I haven't gotten to read the book yet (it's on my list for this month) so it was exciting to hear some excerpts read. She told us about her apartment in a house in Marblehead, MA that is dated back to the mid 1700's that has so much history. I learned what the key on the front cover is all about - that was something that was confusing to me.

Anyone who has read and loved this book will be excited to know that she is currently working on another one (as well as trying to finish up her PhD). The second book will be set a little bit later than her previous one, in Boston - but will still focus on a very unique family - that was all she would tell us so far. Also, she has an idea for a possible sequel to Physick Book.

I was excited to get her to sign a book for me - I borrowed it from my boyfriend's mom months ago and haven't gotten to it yet. So I figured, what better way to give it back, than in better condition than I received it! I was excited to read the book before the event, and now I really am excited!

Any one here read this yet?

Copyright © 2009-2011 by The Maiden’s Court


  1. It must be so exciting to meet the author of a book you read and enjoyed. Ahh the perks of reading and reviewing! Lucky you Heather!

  2. I haven't read it yet but I just received a copy from a good friend last night and I'm anxious to read it. I don't knwo when though since I have a pile of books to read for research.

  3. I read it and reviewed it here.
    I really enjoyed it, it was a quick read and an interesting story. And for the record, my mom liked it too =)
    Congrats on meeting her, she is a sweetheart.
    And your boyfriend's mom is going to be excited by the autograph, that was great!

  4. Aw what a great way to spend time with your mom! very cool. Haven't read this yet, but hear nothing but good things about it.

  5. I read this book a few months ago and thoroughly enjoyed, I like to read about the Salem Witch trials, so this was right up my alley so to speak...

  6. I read it and enjoyed it. The characters are pretty interesting and I thought the book overall was a good read.


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