
Caught on Tape

Caught on Tape was a signature feature that I designed to explore how characters from the historical fiction that we all read are portrayed in TV and movies. I try to cover earlier movies to more current so we can see if the way a character is portrayed changes over time and I try to give a video clip (because quite frankly, that's what the whole idea is about).  If I have seen the movie I try to give some commentary about the character in that particular film and if I haven't I will just give my opinions based on what I see in the clip and provide some other reviewer commentary.  And of course I am always looking to hear what you have thought if you have seen any of the featured films or any others that I don't cover.

Here are all of the "episodes" of Caught of Tape - hosted here at The Maiden's Court. Be sure to check them out and I know your movie list will grow!

Richard I, The Lionheart

Marie Antoinette

Pablo Picasso

Martha Washington

Zelda & Scott Fitzgerald

Abraham Lincoln

Richard III

Jane Porter

Isabella of Castile

Nell Gwyn

Joan of Arc

Queen Victoria


Elizabeth I


Queen Emma of Normandy

*Special Edition* - Off With Their Heads - featuring Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard, Jane Boleyn, Lady Jane Grey, Mary, Queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas More, King Charles I



William Marshall

Dolley Madison

Katherine Howard

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